3 Printable Activities to Keep Kids Active at Home

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As the holiday's approach and the kids gear up for holiday break, you may be wondering how to keep them busy and active this season. Though the holidays are a time to spend relaxing with your family, the kids won’t be getting that physical activity in every day like they would at school.

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Girl playing with bubbles
Photo by Alexander Dummer on Pexels

To keep your kids busy during winter break, the three printable activities below are an easy way for them to burn some energy while still having fun. Feel free to grab your running shoes and join in on these fun activities with your kids, too! 

1. Connect the Dots

Your kids may be familiar with connect the dots, but this activity puts a little spin on the well-known activity. Kids will do each exercise 10 times and once complete, they’ll connect the dots between the corresponding numbers. For example, the first activity is jump rope where they’ll pretend to jump rope 10 times. Once they finish the exercise, they’ll connect dots one to six. Then, they’ll move on to the next exercise. Once they’ve done all of the moves and connected all of the dots, they’ll be able to see the picture they created. 

2. Bingo Burst 

This game of BINGO isn’t quite like the game you may be used to playing. In this activity, each letter of the word BINGO has a corresponding exercise. Starting with B, kids will complete the exercise for 30 seconds. Once the 30 seconds is up, they’ll color in the B, then move on to the next letter. Once they’re done with the moves and color in the letters, they shout BINGO to let you know they’re finished. 

3. 100 Point Challenge 

The 100 point challenge is a great game to get the whole family involved in. There are a few ways you can play this game—see how many points each player can score in an hour, challenge each player to see if they can score all 100 points in a day or partner up and see how fast you can score 100 points. Once you decide how you want to play, score points by picking exercises from the chart. At the end of the challenge, add up your points to see who scored the most! 

You can download all three activities here

Encouraging exercise with your kids doesn’t have to be hard. With the above activities, you can all have fun and keep moving this holiday break