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No matter who you are, you want your child to succeed and excel at school more than anything else.

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But, you can’t sit by them in class, and not just because they would be mortified. Still, parents don’t need to be at school with their kids to help them excel at school, but they do need to be there at home to help them learn the best tools to help them learn and grow. Here are the best four tips to help your child with their studies no matter how old they are. 

Teach Them Essential Skills 

There are many skills that kids will need growing up. They may learn some of these skills at school, but it’s also up to the parents to share skills with them. Services like ABCmouse have been proven very effective at helping children learn core skills for school.

One of the most beneficial skills to consider is getting them used to the online world and how to use the internet to their advantage. If they know how to look up terms or learning strategies, they will find themselves a step ahead of their peers. This will not just benefit them in school, but also at university and their career. 

Continue Their Education At Home 

A child’s education does not stop as soon as the bell rings. You have the responsibility to continue their education at home. This includes encouraging them to do their homework as a bare minimum, but there are other elements to consider, too.

If you have a space, you can consider an updated classroom theme that gives them a dedicated space to do their homework and explore other ideas, such as reading books or watching documentaries. Just an hour a day could be enough for them to feel more confident on certain subjects, especially if they are struggling to grasp concepts. 

Additionally, using online resources such as ABCmouse on the family computer can help them expand school-based knowledge such as literacy, math and science across pre-K and K topics for children aged between 2 and 8 years old.

Using technology like this is a great way to help a child continue their education. These days, children have access to lots of unique resources on the internet, and they can even use devices like their tablet or even smartphone to consume educational content and study interesting subjects.

Educational experts such as Daniel Swersky highly recommend using technology as a form of interactive educational content that can help teach children complicated concepts more easily. It has the power to break down difficult topics into smaller chunks that are easier to digest and understand, making it easier for students to retain information.

Encourage Curiosity 

Curious kids will never stop learning. Yes, it can get a little annoying for them to ask you what this or that is every five seconds, but it shows that they are interested in the world around them., 

Instead of staying indoors all day on weekends or holidays, parents can find a plethora of unique activities that anyone can do to encourage this curiosity. It can introduce kids to new ideas and situations and could spark something that inspires them for the rest of their lives. 

Let Them Take It Easy 

As much as it is important to work hard and get the work finished, it is counterproductive to force kids to work all night long. There will come the point where their brain just stops working, which is why brain breaks are so beneficial. 

They are expected to work hard all day at school, but this can cause them to hate learning. By giving them a break and allowing them to take it easy, they will feel fresh and be more productive. 


Children who feel supported inside and outside of the classroom have a more positive attitude to education, which will improve their chances of success at school and later in life. While you cannot give your child all the answers, you can create a home environment that encourages a passion for learning and your child will see the results.