My older almost 3 year old has cunningly learned how to undo anything child proof around the house. He also thankfully understands to not do basic things like put things in outlets. As my little guy gets a little older and more mobile, I am once again thinking of how to child proof things (and a plus if it keeps older boy out of trouble too). There are several things to think about when starting the process of child proofing. Electrical outlets, cabinet doors, climbing … oh my so many things that can get these littles in trouble. There is a whole industry now of professionals that will go to your house and child proof your home. This can be over the top and pricey. Instead following these 8 steps to get your home ready for you new independent and curious toddler.
Safety is a serious issue and we all worry about keeping our babies safe in the home. We all know we should keep dangerous objects out of reach and of course nothing is more important than supervising our kids and making sure they are never left alone, however a phone call or unexpected visitor at the door can easily divert your attention just long enough for an accident to happen. Here are some tips on how to make your home a safer place.
1. Power Outlets
If you are 18 months old, power outlets are always a great place to try to fit bits of food or your fingers in. Invest in some power outlet covers to put on all your outlets. They are inexpensive and easy to install.
2. Look Down
It is easy for us to miss many hazards as being taller we don’t always see the hazards. Try getting on your hands and knees and look around each room. It helps you see things with fresh eyes and you will nearly always spot fresh hazards. Don’t forget to check what is under the beds and other furniture too.
3. Cupboard and Drawers
Your baby will love exploring and it is always fun to see what is inside any drawer or cupboard especially if they have seen you looking in there. Invest in some childproof locks. There are several different types be sure to choose a lock that suits your needs, some pose a risk of your child trapping their fingers if they try to open. Other styles are a little too easy to open whilst others are so difficult you need a science degree and all your attention to open them. My new favorite is the IJO Safety brand that also work well on refrigerators, toilets and the trash.
4. Windows
When we are looking at what is inside the house it is easy to overlook the window as a hazard. Try to move furniture around so there is nothing of interest or bright colored by a window that would attract your toddler. Make sure any furniture that would be easy to climb up on and be at window height is moved away from the window. If this is not possible install window locks.
5. Water
We are sure you would never leave your toddler unattended in the bath but there are other water risks too. Even a couple of inches of water can be fatal. Take care not to leave buckets of water or sinks full of water in areas that your baby can discover. Always make sure your baby is supervised at all times when near a pool.

6. Climbing Risks
If your toddler is crawling they will almost certainly use furniture to pull themselves up. Walk around your house and make sure everything is strong and won’t topple over. If you find anything that could topple over secure it to the wall. There are various pieces of safety kit available to do this. All of which are relatively inexpensive.

7. Keep The Toys Safe
Your baby’s most favorite place in the house is most likely to be where you keep the toys. That is where he or she will often like to go most. Take a moment to think how you store them. Very often toy chests look very pretty but heavy hinged lids can be a finger-trapping nightmare. If your toy chest has a lid make sure it is lockable. Ideally don’t store toys in anything with a lid, it may not look so neat but could prevent an unplanned trip to the Emergency Room.

Keep them safe!
8. Be Prepared
We can do everything to keep our homes toddler safe but sometimes accidents just happen no matter what we do. Keep a list of important numbers in an easy to find place also add your address on the list too so if you are away somebody like your babysitter will know who to call and where to tell help to come. Hopefully you will never need it but this can save crucial minutes when it matters most.
Make your house child proof!!
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Owner of a new startup company reinventing safety products, IJO Safety, is offering my readers a 20% discount. Are you like me and have a budding crawler and walker at home. The time to child proof is now! You can find IJO on Facebook as well!
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