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Do you want to find a way to make some extra money while staying home with your kids? If so, then you should consider starting a side hustle. A side hustle is a great way to earn some extra cash, and many options are available for moms. This blog post will discuss some of the best side hustles for moms. We will also provide tips on how to get started. So whether you are looking for a new career or want to make a little extra money, these side hustles are sure to appeal to you!

In This Post

If you’re a mom who’s looking to make some extra money, there are plenty of side hustles you can do from home. Here are some of the best side hustles for moms.

Selling Cookies

One great way to make extra money as a mom is to start your own cookie business. Sugar cookies are always in demand, so if you can bake up a storm and decorate them beautifully, you’ll be sure to find customers. But, of course, the key to success with this kind of business is marketing. So the question is, how to market your sugar cookie business? First, you’ll need to let people know about your cookies, and the best way to do that is through word-of-mouth and social media. Once you get the word out, you’ll be surprised at how many people are willing to pay for your delicious cookies!


Young woman using laptop in bed while daughter playing on sunny morning
Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels

Another excellent side hustle for moms is childcare. If you love kids and have a few extra hours during the day, why not start a small in-home daycare? You can care for other people’s children while they’re at work or running errands, and you’ll get paid for it! The best part about this hustle is that you can do it on your schedule. So if you need to take a break to take care of your kids, no problem! Just let your clients know in advance, and they’ll be understanding.

Dog Walking/Pet Sitting

If you’re an animal lover, this side hustle is perfect for you! You can start a dog walking or pet sitting business and get paid to spend time with furry friends. This is a great way to make some extra money if you’re already out and about during the day. Just make sure you’re comfortable with pets and can handle them safely.

Selling Handmade Goods

One of the most popular ways for moms to make some extra cash is selling handmade goods. This could include anything from baked goods to jewelry to home decor. If you’re crafty and have a unique product, selling handmade goods can be a great way to earn some extra income.

How to get started?

Now that you know some of the best side hustles for moms, you may be wondering how to get started.

The first step is to choose the hustle that interests you the most. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to start planning and taking action! If you need help getting started, there are plenty of online resources. And if you’re still not sure which side hustle is right for you, don’t worry – there’s no rush. Just take your time and figure out what works best for you and your family.

One thing to keep in mind is that selling handmade goods takes time and effort. If you’re not passionate about your product, it will be challenging to succeed. Make sure you choose something that you’re excited about so you can enjoy the process as well as the profits! Do some research on popular handmade goods in your area and see if there’s a demand for what you want to sell.

If there’s already a lot of competition, try to find a niche market that you can tap into. For example, if you’re selling jewelry, focus on a specific style or material that sets your product apart from the rest. With a bit of creativity and effort, selling handmade goods can be a great way to earn some extra income as a stay-at-home mom.