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The years have been busy as we prepare our hearts for the Christ child. Here is a breakdown of how the Hoover's celebrate the season.

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The fascination with holidays continued into Christmas. Everything was Santa and decorations and the waiting for this special day was so so hard.

We started early with a bit of a Gingerbread Cookie Race at the Thinkery Austin.

You can’t catch me I am the Gingerbread Man!

We had the special treat of seeing Santa at the annual festival at the YMCA! We celebrated with the whole family, an early Christmas and Christmas day.

Oh and the Santa cookies preparation. The little guy really got into making it special (or eating all the frosting).


Our little guy’s first Christmas. That is always a special one! We ventured out to the North Pole Flyer again. This time though Alex wanted nothing to do with Santa! He cooperated a bit more for Mrs. Claus. She had bribes of cookies!

Cute boys in matching PJs! What could be cuter for Christmas!

Decorating cookies for Santa has become a favorite activity!

When it is time to sit down and take a photo, there is much to be debated and the big boy was not having it!

Family Christmas Photo in the Ruelas photo booth!

Our Christmas card photo! The most talented photographer Carly Madsen got a perfect portrait.

A little riddle to show how much the boys look alike, our venture on the North Pole Flyer in 2018 and 2016.


This year was all about our big boy. He didn’t know much about what was going on yet but we had fun going to all the celebrations and trying to capture the special moments.


First Christmas is always special. The first Christmas of your first child. Extra special. Christmas time is a great time to build memories and new traditions.

We ventured on the North Pole Flyer and did Gingerbread houses and continued our tradition of going to Salado to celebrate our engagement. So many things it is a wonder we made it through the season!

The North Pole Flyer was our big boy’s first encounter with Santa. He thought it would be funny to pull Santa’s beard! Bad little elf!

We jumped on the opportunity to make Gingerbread houses at the Thinkery but the day ended up being a day of gotchas, we weren’t expecting the tickets for the workshop to be an additional price, we got to the workshop and our little pioneer exhausted from other Thinkery fun passed out leaving the project for mom and dad, we finished the house and were excited about our accomplishment just to find later that night that the dogs got into it and destroyed it. Somethings are not meant to be … well, we still got some pictures!

Through it all, we got a few special family photos with our little family of 3.