Finding Balance with Summer Fun and Business Life

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As moms and mompreneurs, we are always striving for that work-life balance. This in many ways is just impossible. We can though be intentional about our time and use a schedule and block calendar to help divide up our time.

In This Post

Finding the balance between mom’s life and business life can be really tough at times. The summer is no exception and maybe even worse to find the right balance. Big boy has been out of school since mid-May and summertime has begun!

I have the type of personality where I want to give 150% or more to both the boys and my business. Then find that there is just not 300% of me to give.

Over and over I have learned by running myself ragged and getting sick that I just can’t do it all. In an effort to stop overextending myself I set forth to set up a schedule that would allow me lots of playtime with the boys and a decent amount of time for my side hustle!

When we get out of balance, it can feel like we are hit like a tornado.
When we get out of balance, it can feel like we are hit like a tornado.

Creating a Schedule

My summer schedule in blocks of 2 hours with lots of play time with the boys and lots of work time.
My summer schedule in blocks of 2 hours with lots of playtime with the boys and lots of work time.

To create the schedule I started with the activities the boys were already committed to with my participation. They both have swim lessons and big boy has Gymnastics. I also looked at how much time I wanted to be able to wear the Techie Mamma hat each day. I like the block scheduling method because doing things in only an hour is impossible with two littles.

I have the day blocked off in “blocks” starting at 8 am and ending at 8 pm. I also came up with fun names for each of the days of the week.

  • Make-Believe Monday
  • Tumbling Tuesday
  • Wet & Wild Wednesday
  • Tech Thursday
  • Fun Friday

I tried to plan around the normal routine we already have of wake up times, lunchtime, nap times and bedtime.

Setting Boundaries

Now that I have a full schedule, I am working on setting boundaries so I can be more present with my family. A necessity to achieve the right balance. I have a separate phone line and have set up times in Dubsado for meetings that are very specific. I plan to still work in times if all the times do not work for someone, but for the most part, I hope that the times I have set will work.

Finding our unique balance as a family will help us achieve our goals.
Finding our unique balance as a family will help us achieve our goals.

Wearing Many Hats

We wear mommy hats, we wear business owner hats, and we wear many other hats. Finding the balance is the key to making the best of the times we have wearing all these hats!

My family board has my summer plan along with various whiteboards to keep us organized.
My family board has my summer plan along with various whiteboards to keep us organized.

How do you find your balance? Do you have a schedule you follow for the summertime? Check out this downloadable, editable schedule and get it printed and mounted to remind you daily.

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