Great Ways To Manage Productivity When Working From Home

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Due to the world we are now in, numerous aunts of people are now working from home, either through their work or freelance with their own business. Either way it can be hard to stay productive when working from home but it does not need to me there are a few changes you can make that can help to keep you productive and make sure you are getting the work done.

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If you are now working from home whether employed or freelance and you are unsure what you can do to stay productive and make sure that you are getting our work done then these few tips should give you some idea of what changes can be made.

Create a good workspace

When working from home it can be easy to get distracted or to think that working from bed or on the sofa is going to be a good idea, but this can actually hinder you. You should set up a desk or table to work in a quiet area of the home that has plenty of natural light, by setting up a quiet work space you are limiting distractions so that you are getting on with work better, you should also advise anyone who is home not to disturb you unless it is an emergency.. Also try to work somewhere that isn’t your bedroom as it is nice not to roll out of bed and then straight to your desk, and you have a clear distinction between where you will work and where you rest.

Try to create a routine

A great way to stay on track and make sure you get what you need to do is to have a routine. Having a routine means you know exactly what you need to do and can track it very easily, it also helps you prepare for work also, try having a routine before you start work instead of just rolling out of bed then going to work. It is a lot easier to work when you have a plan so using something like Elisi which is a digital bullet journal can really help you to plan your day, take notes about the day and overall increase your productivity instead of just plodding along through your day.

Stay off your phone

Unless it is work related you need to stay off your phone, all it is going to do is distract you, especially social media, so put it away in another room or in your desk, so you are not distracting yourself. It is easy to forget you are working from home and just sit on your phone, especially when employed as there is no one keeping an eye on you. The best place to start is by turning off any notifications so you do not pick up the phone in the first place.

If you are working from home and you feel you are struggling to stay productive while doing so then these few tips should help you to understand what changes you can make to help you get more productive when you are working from home.