This week the Gymboree Play and Music at Arboretum Crossing is having their open house. That means all week you can sign up for free and explore all that they have to offer. Sign up or view more information on Facebook!
The Groupon that I mentioned before is also still available and until tonight you can get a extra $7 dollars off.
#technobaby and I have been going for the past few weeks and we absolutely love it! He enjoys climbing, practicing walking and having free roam over crawling where he wants. He has made friends and I have even met some new moms and absolutely love the staff there! #technobaby feels comfortable with all the staff and even has a few favorites that he warms up to pretty quickly.

Known as THE Techie Mamma, I am a boy(x2) mom, and love technology. As a former Educational Technology academic turned Mompreneur, and super passionate educator, I am on a mission to empower Mompreneurs to build, and grow their business to live the Mompreneur Life they want.