How To Create A Safe Online Shopping Experience For Your Customers

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Advancements in technology have allowed customers to shop anywhere through their devices. Indeed, online shopping is popular due to the convenience it offers.

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Despite this, it’s not without its risks. Statistics indicate that online fraud affects North America and Europe more than other regions, with losses predicted to reach $50 billion and $35 billion by 2025. Indeed, customers risk giving their personal and financial details unknowingly to cybercriminals, leading to identity theft, money theft, and so on. This can also affect your business credibility while opening you up to lawsuits. Therefore, providing a safe online shopping experience for your customers is mandatory. Here are some practical ways to achieve this.

Use a secure e-commerce platform

Whether launching a new online business or expanding a current one, using a secure platform is necessary. Experts recommend using a dedicated ecommerce platform instead of building a website. Not only is it cost-effective, but it also ensures your customers’ safety when they purchase any item. It’s worth noting that dedicated ecommerce sites have essential security features that a regular website may not have. Seeing these benefits, you want to leverage this platform if you haven’t already. However, you should consider certain factors for a more informed decision. For instance, you can determine the platform’s security measures to ensure your clients don’t experience cyber attacks. You should also juxtapose the price with your budget to avoid straining your business finances. Other considerations include shipping experience, SEO-friendliness, scalability, and so on. 

Invest in security certifications

While a good ecommerce platform is advisable, it may not be enough to deter cybercriminals. Therefore, boost your site’s security by investing in security certifications. For instance, you can adopt an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to protect your customers’ sensitive information. This, in turn, builds your customer trust while boosting search engine ranking. It’s also worth noting that Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the new standard for websites due to its robust encryption features and up-to-date security protocol. You can learn more about these certifications to determine the most appropriate option. 

Update your platform frequently

Due to rapid developments, your business’s website can quickly become outdated. This poses a security risk, as cybercriminals can easily hack your site and extract valuable information. Moreover, your e-commerce platform may not function effectively with outdated features, so keep this in mind. You should also note that older plugins may have easily exploited vulnerabilities. Therefore, Updating these additions regularly is important to protect your customer data. You may need to replace them if their developers no longer maintain them.

Get a secure payment gateway

Admittedly, customers get weary when having to pay for their purchases online. Fortunately, you can quell their fears by getting a secure payment gateway. This technology has advanced encryption to prevent data breaches, protecting your customers’ financial information. Moreover, they support various payment methods, ideal for buyers who don’t want to use their credit cards or bank details. However, factoring your website is essential for choosing the right payment gateway. For instance, a payment plugin for WordPress is beneficial if you have a WooCommerce site, so keep this in mind.