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Homeschooling has become more popular in recent years as parents see the benefits of having more flexibility in their daily routines and more control over the classroom material. But even when you decide to home school your child, there is a lot to think about and consider. Here is how to get the most from your homeschooling situation.  

Create a dedicated space 

Like any workspace in the home, the classroom needs to have its particular area dedicated to learning, that’s why Age of Learning developed its innovative platform. It is important because it eliminates distractions and focuses the student’s mind on learning. 

The alternative is to have different spaces around the home for learning; this can be advantageous, especially if you have dedicated spaces for different subjects in the house, but that’s not realistic for most homeschooling situations. 

Set out a daily schedule 

Again, your children will not learn very efficiently if they don’t have dedicated time for learning. A daily pattern is required to put students in the right frame of mind and frame their day, so they know what to expect. This is how most schools operate, but there are some advantages to home learning. 

People have different energy levels; some might find they are more energetic in the morning and have a slump in the afternoon, while others might be slow to get going in the morning and prefer to work late. Either way, you can design their school day so they can be the most productive.   

Create a curriculum

Most homeschooling runs in parallel to the standard curriculum created by the local authority. While certain aspects of it will need to be covered, you also get some freedom to get creative with the content and delivery schedule of the material.  

In short, you can create a schedule that works best for you and your students. It’s also a good idea to communicate this curriculum to your students, so they know what to expect from the year ahead. As with day planning, it’s good for them to have a frame of reference for their learning. 

Set learning goals 

Motivation and achievement are very important when you’re teaching children at home because unless you have some clearly defined goals, they might not feel as though they are achieving or moving forward. That’s why most education systems have a form of light grading as students go through the year.  

When you’re creating your schedule, you should decide what you want to test and when, again, it’s a good idea to be regular and consistent with your testing and to ensure there is enough opportunity for students to pass and gain confidence. 

Take learning outside 

One of the main advantages of homeschooling is the possibility of taking your child’s learning beyond the classroom. This can be done in several ways, including excursions, board games, cooking, and living life in tune with daily tasks. 

People all have different learning styles, and personalities, so dedicated classroom learning won’t suit everyone. Instead, try to create a balance of classroom-based learning and excursion that support the material.