How To Host The Perfect Breakfast

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They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that’s very true, a good breakfast sets you up for the day and gives you plenty of energy. There’s also so much you can do with breakfast, from toast and butter, cooked English breakfast to salmon and then pancakes and waffles, breakfast food is awesome. Not only that but hosting a breakfast is really fun. A breakfast meeting is often preferred by many as it’s a great way to get a business meeting out of the way first thing in the morning, while also enjoying some great food. Alternatively, socially having people round for breakfast is a really nice thing to do, again it means that you have done your socialising and have the rest of the day to do other things. So, how can you host the perfect breakfast?

Do as much as you can the night before

Unlike a dinner party, for a breakfast gathering, you don’t have all day to prepare. But what you do have is the day before. Whatever you can do the day before, get it done. So that means setting out your plates, napkins, cutlery, glasses and coffee mugs. If there’s anything you can cook or prepare the night before then do it, you’ll thank yourself the next day. 

Always include eggs

You can’t have a decent breakfast without eggs, but rather than you spending the whole time over a frying pan, why not find a substantial egg dish that can be made the night before: Quiche, strata, casserole, something along those lines. Something like a Bacon, Potato and Egg Breakfast Casserole or Creamed Spinach with Baked Eggs would be a real treat. 

Cook your bacon in the oven.

No one wants yesterday’s bacon, but again to save yourself standing over the frying pan the whole time, cook your bacon in the oven. It will save you loads of time, you’ll be able to cook more of it, and your house will smell amazing when your guests arrive. 

Prepare a buffet

As mentioned, there is so much choice for breakfast and either you could go for a main cooked offering such as eggs, bacon, sausages, beans, salmon, pancakes or waffles, or you could perhaps prepare a breakfast buffet with a variety of honeys, jams, butters, spreads, pastries, ground chia, nuts, yoghurt, hard-boiled eggs and fruits – or a combination of both. Check out this guide on how to make croissants from Baked by an Introvert; this will impress your guest no-end as they taste amazing. 

Serve decent coffee

Having people around for breakfast means starting off with good coffee! If you’re not a coffee expert, then ask those who are coming what coffee they would serve and get hold of some of that. You’ll either need a decent coffee machine or coffee press too. 

Don’t forget about other beverages.

Put out a nice array of bright, colorful, fresh juices, from cranberry to apple to orange, there are so many to choose from, and they look beautiful in glass jugs too.