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It’s no secret that WordPress is the most popular website platform on the web nowadays. Countless sites use this system, with more and more being added to the pile each and every day, and a lot of these sites being dedicated to e-commerce.

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This is where WooCommerce comes into the picture. This is the official WordPress e-commerce system, and it should be no surprise that it is also extremely popular around the world. When something like this is so popular, though, it will often get a lot of attention from criminals looking to exploit it. So, how exactly should you be keeping your WooCommerce site secure?

SSL Certificates

An SSL certificate is essential for any online store. These certificates contain encryption keys that are used to make sure that data being sent to and from your website can’t be intercepted by criminals. SSL certificates need to be renewed each year, though many hosting providers can do this for you when your current one runs out. You can tell when a website doesn’t have SSL when it doesn’t have a padlock next to the URL bar.

Firewall Plugins

Firewalls are designed to give administrators control over the data that is allowed in and out of their server, and they can have the power to halt an attack in its tracks if you have one that is up to date. Tools like WordFence are perfect for this, giving you coverage against a huge range of known WordPress exploits, while also being on the lookout for suspicious activity surrounding your website. Your users may not see this, but it could prevent them from being exposed to issues that they certainly will see.

Plugins & Updates

Plugins form a vital part of a WordPress website, with WooCommerce itself being one of these tools. Of course, though, it can be all too easy to install something like this from a source you don’t trust. Along with this, many WordPress site owners leave their plugins without vital updates that could leave their website open to serious attacks. You can find additional plugins that make it much easier to control update management or hire someone to take care of this most important job.

Payment Gateways

Taking payments on the web can be stressful, and most people don’t have the skills to code their own systems that will be able to handle this securely. Tools like Inoviopay offer a secure payment gateway that can work seamlessly with WooCommerce. Installing this won’t take too much time, and most people will be able to get this set up within an hour or so. Of course, though, it’s always worth researching the gateways you choose to make sure that they offer the security features you need.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to start securing your WooCommerce website. It can be all too easy to fall into the trap of ignoring this, with many companies only getting on top of this work once it causes problems for them. Security is crucial in the world of online shopping, and your customers are well aware of this.