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There are a few income streams people use to keep the bank balance looking healthy. Passive income is one of those. Being able to make money while you sleep, is possible.

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Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

There are a few income streams people use to keep the bank balance looking healthy. Passive income is one of those. Being able to make money while you sleep, is possible. Many people believe that earning money online is a dream, and the other end of the spectrum believes it is very easy. The middle ground is closer to the truth, it is accessible and works.

You must set expectations, understand that there will be some groundwork required.

So let’s talk about how to make money while you sleep.

What is passive income?

A passive income is an income that you generate with little to no maintenance every month. The point of passive income is that your time is freed up to do other things like earned income, spend time with the family, or travel.

There are several ways that you can make money while you sleep. 

Self publish

Find a niche, and write a great e-book—60 to 80 pages of interesting facts, figures, and experience. You can then self publish these on Amazon. You probably will fare better selling it through your old channels, but having it on Amazon can help your visibility. You’ll get a monthly payment for the sales, so you need to do is promote it.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing can offer regular and small passive income streams. It is not uncommon to find people with multiple blogs and websites filled with affiliate marketing office. It is considered one of the fastest forms of passive income and involves very little investment of your time. 

You are going to need an audience to promote to, so this is where you will need to leverage your email marketing list, and if you don’t have an email marketing list, create great content that can be shared easily.

Affiliate marketing is all about delivering value, so if you can each educate and inform, people are more likely to buy the products that you are recommending.

Stocks and shares

It is easier than ever to understand stocks and shares. There are numerous websites online that can help you sign up and have you trading in minutes. You don’t have to have a huge amount of money to start, and some websites even have auto investing options, where a robot will do everything for you. 

Although you’re more likely to make more money with more money put in, nothing is stopping you from getting yourself CFD trading, FOREX, and even bitcoin are all interesting options for interesting. 


Starting a blog is possibly one of the easiest and most reliable ways you can make money on autopilot. You can incorporate selling your e-book, using those affiliate links, and so much more. Creating a popular blog can take some time, but the benefits are incredibly long-lasting. 

It has a large potential for passive income, and you can make money from selling anything, advertising space, sponsored posts, webinars, and more from your website.

Making money while you sleep is all about laying the groundwork.