How to Start an Online Business as a Mom in 2022

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‍Starting your own business can be daunting, especially when you have kids and a full-time job.  But with the correct planning, support, and execution of your business plan, you can start an online business as a mom that supports your family and provides for your financial security.

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Whether you’re looking for ways to make extra money or create a side hustle to supplement your income, starting an online business as a mom can be the perfect solution. 

Here are some helpful tips on how to start an online business as a mom:

Plan and Research Your Business idea before diving in

It’s essential to start your online business as a mom on something that is both practical and profitable. For example, if you want to create an online tutoring business and have a degree in English, you will struggle to find students. 

If, however, you are also a teacher who also tutors part-time, you can focus on just that aspect of your business and make a living from it. With a more focused business idea and a business plan built around that idea, you’ll be able to end the startup process quicker and have a better chance of success. 

As well, before you start your online business as a mom, you should map out what your business goal is. What do you want to achieve with your business? What are your business goals? How much do you want to earn? These are all essential questions you must answer before diving into business planning.

Network, Network, Network

You’ll need to build a solid network of reliable partners, affiliates, and suppliers to grow your business and scale your efforts. This can be done through networking events, business clubs, and online communities. 

When you attend networking events, for example, you’ll meet numerous potential business partners and will be able to get a feel for what types of businesses are in your niche. You can also establish relationships with people in your industry by joining business clubs and online communities like boards related to your place. 

In addition to networking and community building, you can also use online commerce platforms to drive traffic to your online store. This is quickly growing in popularity, and with good reason: it’s a great way to get your products into the hands of interested customers.

Hone your skills and build a platform for growth

The best way to start an online business as a mom is to hone your skills and build a platform for growth. If you’re a stay-at-home mom with some extra time on your hands, why not pick up a new skill that you can use to make money? Choose something that helps you improve in a specific area. Perhaps you’re looking to develop your marketing skills, and your time spent honing your skills will be well spent. As well this will make your business more cost-effective and scalable. In addition, you’ll want to establish a strong online presence before you begin your online business as a mom. This means building a website, uploading your content (blog posts, YouTube videos, etc.), and connecting your social media accounts.

Utilize the power of the internet to build brand awareness and drive traffic to your website

Once your online business is up and running, you’ll want to use the power of the internet to build brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. This is quickly growing in popularity, and with good reason: it’s a great way to get your products into the hands of interested customers. 

You can do this by featuring your content on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Make use of social media content creation templates like Canva combined with stock photos that are free to use, in order to supercharge your posts. You can also share your content on Pinterest, Reddit, and other online communities relevant to your niche. 

Another great way to drive traffic to your website is by partnering with influencers. An influencer has a large network of social media followers and can help promote your brand by sharing your content with their followers.

Stay focused and be persistent with your business goals

Whether you’re looking to make extra money or to create a side hustle to supplement your income, you’ll need to stay focused and be persistent with your business goals. When you first start an online business, there’s a lot to take on, and you must learn new skills and build a new platform for your business. This can be not easy, but staying focused and persistent with your business goals is essential. 

Once you’ve built a strong online presence, you’ll want to continue driving traffic to your website and featuring your content on social media to increase brand awareness and build your following. This can be done through partnerships with influencers and online communities relevant to your niche.


Starting your own business can be daunting, especially when you have kids and a full-time job. But with the proper planning, support, and execution of your business plan, you can start an online business as a mom that supports your family and provides for your financial security. Whether you’re looking for ways to make extra money or create a side hustle to supplement your income, starting an online business as a mom can be the perfect solution.