It’s Not Enough To Have A Home Office, You Need To Use It Right

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If you’re working from home, then being able to carve out your own office space can be pretty crucial. If you can get an entire room, then that is the best possible option but if you need to temporarily convert a space or a desk, that works just as well. Simply having a space to work in isn’t enough, however. If you want to work at your most productive, motivated, and with the best mindset, your work environment is going to play a key role in helping you do that. Here are some ways you can ensure your home office is up to the task.

An organized space is a happy space

A lot of people are able to work without needing to take much storage space at all, keeping the majority of the necessary resources digital. If that doesn’t apply to you, however, then you need to start thinking about the kinds of storage that you need. Filing cabinets are clunky and not very motivating to look at, so you might want to consider other types of storage. For instance, you might install a bookshelf on the wall that you can keep binders full of folders on so that you’re quickly able to search for and spot documents you need based on their date, utility, and so on. For papers and other resources you’re likely to need on a regular basis throughout the day, a desk tidy can be very useful.

Do what you can to keep out external noise

You are likely not going to be able to set up a soundproof booth to work in, and fitting a big heavy door to keep out distraction is probably also a step too far. However, there are plenty of ways that you can reduce the amount of noise that gets through to your space without having to use headphones to completely block out your ears. There are several steps you can take, such as using noise-friendly flooring near and inside the office, or putting acoustic wall panels on the wall. Some people even find they concentrate better with some white noise in the background.

Make sure you got plenty of natural light

If you are able to, it’s a good idea to choose a workspace that offers a window and make sure that you let plenty of natural light into the room during the day. Lighting can have a profound impact on your daily productivity, helping to improve your mood and keep energy levels up, thanks to the effects of the vitamin D absorbed from the sun. As such, it’s a good idea to avoid using heavier window treatments like curtains that can block out some of the light, but rather use things like blinds that allow for a little more control. Of course, placing your desk well is essential to make sure that you’re not going to have the light glaring right into your eyes at certain times of the day.

orchid, flower, houseplant
Photo by stanbalik on Pixabay

A little green makes the place much brighter

Sunlight isn’t the only thing that can help brighten your home office. Some color will help it do that and the effect is even better if that color has a living, thriving source. It has long been known that plants have a resoundingly positive effect in the office, in helping to reduce the feelings of stress, and for promoting better motivation. People simply feel better when they’re surrounded by a little greenery and finding the best office plants for your workspace can bring those benefits to your home. Having a little something to take care of every day can also help you get into a routine if it’s placed during one of your work breaks.

Ergonomics are key

If you’re not familiar, ergonomics are all about making sure that you’re working in the most comfortable position that doesn’t put undue pressure on your body and, as a result, leads to a higher likelihood of injuries like repetitive strain injury. Invest in one of the better ergonomic work chairs that you can get and make sure it’s set at a leave where your hands rest at keyboard level, not reaching up or reaching down to hit them. Similarly, you shouldn’t be craning your neck up to be able to see your monitor, either. Your chair should also support the small of your back, as well as the back of your head. Ergonomic chairs are becoming more affordable so they’re worth spending on.

You might want to stand for this

Ergonomic chairs are all well and good for when you need to sit down. However, one trend that has been growing more prevalent over the recent years is that of the standing desk. Standing is much healthier for you than sitting for extended periods of time and a lot of people find that they’re nowhere near as uncomfortable as they might sound. If you don’t want to spend the entire day on your feet, however, you can look at extendable standing desks that can fold back down for when you need to take a seat. If you do use a standing desk, make sure you have good, firm flooring but that it’s not too hard.