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Promotions for fish filets start at McDonalds and cheese pizzas at Pizza Hut and you know the holiest of times are upon us. Thousands of Catholics go to services on Ash Wednesday, while it’s not a holy day of obligation, it is an important date in the church calendar as it reminds us where we came from and where we will return. Lent is a time to examine our lives realize our setbacks and try to master them again.

I have found via recommendations two books that I’m so fired up for. They are by Rachel Hollis. The first one was released in February of last year and her second book just a 13 months later.

I’ve come to admire this author very much for all that she has encountered, survived and lived. Anybody who knows me, knows my fairly low self-esteem and need to apologize a lot. I’ve even apologized for my existence. A friend of mine once told me to stop apologizing and for every time that I failed to have a shot of tequila. That game did not last long before I was on the floor. I think as a mom to two under 3, I find myself even more inadequate and trying so hard to do everything and feel like I achieve nothing. Laundry is still in the wash, my toddler has suddenly decided he doesn’t go to bed on his own, and my new business is requiring so much attention I wonder if I have it in me to balance it all. But mamas we are strong! We are coming to the game every day. We don’t give up and sometimes that is the hardest part of parenting. Deciding to not give up when your toddler suddenly has a worse sleep schedule than your infant. It’s hard it’s a constant juggle from here to there but showing up is the first step. Hollis’ book helps bring the hardship into perspective and gives us resources and tools to stop apologizing for who we are!