Mompreneur Crowdfunding – Fund Your Project

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Ulule strives to empower creators and entrepreneurs. As a crowdfunding platform it is a great option for mompreneurs looking to launch or raise money.

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Ulule strives to empower creators and entrepreneurs.

We may all be familiar with GoFundMe, Indiegogo, and Kickstarter but there are many other crowdfunding sites that are taking the internet by storm and need to be discussed. Ulule is a popular European crowdfunding site that just completed it’s 10th anniversary and is launching hard in the United States. If you have ever considered crowdfunding for your next project check out Ulule with their unique featues you can’t go wrong!

What is Crowdfunding?

Make Good Things Happen

Crowdfunding first appeared in the interwebs in 1997 and gained popular and mainstream use in the arts and music communities. There are a number of examples from the late 90’s funding everything from studios to albums by raising money online via multiple people.

Crowdfunding is a way for business, people, and charities to raise money. Individuals or organizations invest in projects in return for a potential profit or reward.

I have donated to various projects, from charity projects for health issues to startup tech items. It is a great way to not invest a huge amount but still be an early adopter to a cool idea.

Types of Crowdfunding

There are multiple types of crowdfunding, differentiating many times on how the user investing is rewarded. These types, via Wikipedia, include:

  1. Reward-based
  2. Equity
  3. Software value token
  4. Debt-based
  5. Litigation
  6. Donation-based

What is Ulule?

Short Video explaing the Ulule magic.

Ulule is a crowdfunding platform similar to Kickstarter, that started in the European Union and is expanding to the US. On Ulule, you can discover wonderful projects and help bring them to life. These projects are successfully funded only if they reach (or exceed!) their fundraising goal.

Ulule just celebrated 10 years, launching first in 2010. Since its launch, users from 193 countries have funded thousands of creative, innovative or community-minded projects. The Ulule website has great live statistics updated by the minute.

Who can use Ulule?

There are two types of users on Ulule, backers and project creators. As a backer, anybody, of any age or nationality, living anywhere can join and participate in a project.

A project creator, posts a project to run a fundraising campaign. In order to do this the creator must be 18 years of age and live in a country using one of the following currencies: € (EUR), $ (USD or CAD), CHF, or £ (BGP).

How much does it cost to join?

Joining and setting up a project is free, once the project succeeds and is funded then there is a 5% commission (additional 3% transaction fees also apply). There is more information in their article, Ulule commission.

Ulule desktop

How do I get started on Ulule?

First, read a little more background information and familiarize yourself with how does crowdfunding work on Ulule and 6 basics to keep in mind. Ulule focuses on not just providing the platform for crowdsourcing but also a platform for education and resources.

The sign up process is very straight-forward and easy.

The main screen has a form to fill out about your project. Once this is filled out, the project is pending.

Ulule Project form

While the project is pending, Ulule has a detailed dashboard where you can set up profile information, more about the project, and a lot more.

Ulule dashboard
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