Opening Your Own Daycare As A Stay-At-Home Mom

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If you want to get back into the swing of things and enter the working world once again then you might be on the lookout for a new career. One idea if you enjoy being in the comfort of your own home is opening your very own daycare.

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If you are currently a stay-at-home mom then you may be wondering what you can do with your spare time. If you want to get back into the swing of things and enter the working world once again then you might be on the lookout for a new career. One idea if you enjoy being in the comfort of your own home is opening your very own daycare. The great thing about this is you can also look after your own children at the same time. This will save you money on arranging for your child to go to daycare and removes the separation anxiety and extra worries. If you don’t know how to get into this type of business then take a look at the article below. 

Passing Relevant Checks

When you first sign up to your local authority to open a daycare unit, you will be required to fill in application forms and consent forms. These forms will give the authorities the right to conduct background checks on you. This is to ensure you don’t have a criminal record or any other dodgy past that may prevent you from looking after children. You will need to fill in your address and how you plan to run your daycare. Once you have passed all these checks then you will be able to continue with the next steps. 

Training & Qualifications

If you have previous childcare experience or qualifications then this will go a long way when advertising your services. If not, you may want to take some courses to show off your certificates to potential parents. A lot of families prefer their child carers to have qualifications so they have the foundation of knowledge needed to care for children. You will also learn how to teach young children and what you can teach them in relation to phonics and reading. Check out your local authority, sometimes they can offer childcare courses to help you progress in your career. 

First Aid

First aid is a must have for all child carers, no matter where they are working. A first aid certificate can be valid for up to three years and you must have this before you can start accepting children. You will learn all sorts of life saving skills when you take a first aid course, make sure it is a pediatric one you attend. There are different things you must do depending on whether the patient is an adult or child. Check out companies to find a reputable business, read reviews or ask fellow child carers for recommendations. You could search for a pals class near me

Suitable Environment

You will need to sort out your home so it is not only suitable for childcare but also safe for every child that comes through the door. This means installing stair gates at the top and bottom of the staircase, if you have one. You might also want to install one on the kitchen door to stop children entering. The kitchen can be full of hazards especially while you are cooking. Carry out risk assessments of all areas that children will have access to. This is a what if situation and then write how you will reduce the risk or eradicate it all together. For instance, if you have a pool in your garden you might install a fence all the way around it. This will prevent any life threatening accidents from occuring. When you have been open for a little while the local authority may pop around to see how you are doing. They will scrutinize every little thing so make sure it is perfect from the start. 


Make sure that you have the correct insurance when it comes to running a business from your home. There are a few that you might need to sign up for, companies will be able to give you more information on this when you contact them. You will more than likely need the following 

  • CGL (Commercial General Liability Insurance)
  • Commercial Property Insurance
  • Professional Liability Insurance 

These will cover you for everything from injuries on your property to accusations of neglect. Knowing what you need will give you time to do your research beforehand to find a decent provider.

Animal Safety

Do you have pets at home? If so, you will need to include these on your risk assessments. You might wonder why, but it is vitally important even if it is just fish in a tank. If you have cats, dogs, or rodents then how are you ensuring children are safe from teeth and claws? Animals can and will bite, especially if they feel threatened. Young children don’t understand personal space so they may not understand why they need to stay away from your pets. Consider this before going ahead with your business. 

Kitting Out Your Home

What do children need while they are in your care? Aside from love and affection they will need toys to play with. These will need to be age appropriate and preferably technology free, although watching one or two tv shows while you prefer dinner is absolutely fine. It might help to have a storage unit with different sections. This will make it easier to sort the toys into age and stage for different children to play with. You could also have a reading corner as this is super important for children’s development. Hit the shops and think about what children will want to play with. 

What You Will Supply

One of the most important questions that parents will ask you is what will you be supplying and what will they have to supply? This is quite common and one people are never sure about. The simple answer is, if you charge extra dollars then you could supply nappies, wipes, and food to the children in your care. Some parents might prefer to supply these themselves, especially if their children have sensitive skin. It is all down to personal preference and choice as to whether you ask parents to provide these or you buy them yourself. Be aware, you will need to buy a variety of different packets and sizes to match the children you would be looking after. You will also need to purchase potties or toilet seats for when children are toilet training.

Work Out Routines

Something you will need to figure out when you have children in your care is what your daily routines will look like. You will have many different kids who arrive at set times, leave at different times, and go to sleep at various points during the day. You need to make sure none of these clash with school drop offs, school pick ups, or any toddler classes you plan on attending. You will also need to have a list of the schools and nurseries you cover in the local area. If they finish at different times then you could pick up from a couple. You will also be asked by parents what time you start and finish for the day so you need to work this out as well. Try to be as flexible as possible to help parents out. 

Waiting Lists

Finally, depending on how many other home daycares there are in your area you may end up with a pretty long waiting list. If parents enquire with you for childcare then ensure you are honest with them about a potential wait for a space. You should also make sure you are sticking to the legal ratios and not exceeding these. You can land in very hot water with your local authority if you go over them.