A Moment of Silence – A Soundcore Space Q45 Review

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As Mompreneurs we juggle so much, sometimes we just need a moment of silence. Check out the not so pricey Soundcore Space Q45 and get a little personal space back.

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Background Story

Ever since my husband got a pair of the exclusive Bose Noise Cancelling headphones, I always dreamed of having a pair too, but could not lay down the price for them. I love tech, don’t get me wrong, but $329 is a lot of money in my bank and without knowing how much I would actually use them, it seems to much.

So my search for something similar but with a decent price tag continued. I have a pair of AirPod Pros and they fit the bill most of the time, but at times they become uncomfortable and sometimes you just want to feel like you are somewhere else completely!

Enter the Soundcore Space Q45 that I recently encountered. At less than half the price and 95% as good as my husbands Bose, they are amazing in my book.

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Anker Soundcore Space Q45

The Anker Soundcore Space Q45 is the best value for the money. The price tag one of the most important factors for most Mompreneurs, these can’t be beat. It has all the features you want and a price tag that doesn’t set you in the red.


The Soundcore Space Q45 has all the features you want in noise cancelling headphones, including:

  • Noise Cancelling Headphones with 50-Hour Playtime
  • Upgraded noise cancelling system reduces noise by up to 98%
  • Make every space your own with adaptive noise cancelling
  • Ultra-long 50-hour playtime for travel
  • Sound with exceptional detail
  • Secure and comfortable fit

Pros / Cons

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Compared With

My husband has the Bose QuietComfort, but I do not have access to AirPods Max so this is just from my experience.

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My Testing

I am completely impressed with the Soundcore Space Q45 headphones. Not only do the provide comparable Noise Cancellation to others in the market, but they are also affordable and super comfortable.

Bottom Line

The Anker Soundcore Space Q45 are a lot of headphone for the money. They have an incredible noise cancelling ability and this mamma with loud boys is quiet happy to get into her own personal space. 

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