Get your Store Online with Astra and WooCommerce

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The free version of Astra integrates for free with the free WooCommerce plugin to get your brick and mortar store online fast and efficiently. The Astra theme paired with WooCommerce is a free way to make a simple powerful site.

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The free version of Astra integrates for free with the free WooCommerce plugin to get your brick and mortar store online fast and efficiently. The Astra theme paired with WooCommerce is a free way to make a simple powerful site.

techie mamma
Get Your Brick and Mortar Online with Astra and WooCommerce

I have written about WooCommerce before and I have written and done videos about Astra and the super awesome Astra Starter Templates. In this uncertain time, I want to take a look at using Astra to convert your brick and mortar business into an online business quick and painless with Astra and WooCommerce!

Astra is one of my favorite themes to recommend and now they do an even better job with WooCommerce. If you are wondering if you can quickly and efficiently take your brick and mortar online the answer is yes with the help of Astra theme and WooCommerce.

Astra Theme Benefits

Astra Starter Sites

One super popular reason I recommend Astra especially to those who are starting out or need something quickly is because of the Astra Starter sites. They are amazing designs that you can import in just one click. It is super easy super fast and super convenient. You can choose your builder to be Gutenberg, Beaver Builder, Elementor or Brizy.

This was a live video I did on Facebook to show just how easy it is to get started with Astra Starter Sites.

Pro Tip: Check out the Techie Mamma Tribe and get access to ALL my courses, weekly zoom calls, monthly webinars, and just in time help for your websites or other tech needs.

Responsive Theme

The Astra theme is super responsive which is great because a large amount of your traffic most likely comes from devices other than a desktop or laptop. You want to make sure your store looks good on all kinds of mobile devices, tablets, and desktop as well.

Even with no modifications whatsoever a recent site I designed looks great on mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop.

Fast Theme

The browser calories tool also shows how light-weight Astra can be out for a website.
The browser calories tool also shows how light-weight Astra can be out for a website.

Astra is super fast. This is additionally important and harder to pull off when you are focused on products and with a big plugin such as WooCommerce. Astra is able to deliver at blazing-fast load times with a clean and optimized code under the hood.

Taking a look at a recently designed site in Astra, both GTMetrix and my new favorite tool Browser Calories both test well for speed.

Astra is super fast and scores at the highest rates.
Astra is super fast and scores at the highest rates.

SEO Ready

When working with advanced content types, like products, schema becomes an important feature so that Google can appropriately define the content. Astra comes with built-in schema support and with that structured markup search engines can display more relevant results to their end-users.

In order to rank well with Google, SEO is super important. Having a schema-ready theme is advantageous and helps eliminate more work down the road. A product schema can tell Google all about a product such as cost and properties, enabling users to quickly find what they are looking for.

Astra Theme with WooCommerce

Astra options include a lot of settings for WooCommerce archive and product pages. Choose the content width and columns to list products on each device. Also, decide how many products to display per page. Adding an add-to-cart in the header is a great way to make the store easy to use for customers.

With Astra Theme it is super simple to get started with WooCommerce. Simply make sure both the Astra theme is installed and the WooCommerce plugin is installed. WooCommerce will take you through a tutorial to get it setup. Once the store is set up to your liking and you have a couple of products, head over to the customizer and get the archive and product pages looking just how you like. This is all without the need for any custom templates or coding. Get even more options with the Astra Pro add on.

Check out the Astra Docs for a full detailed list of features available with the Astra theme.

The free Astra Theme has WooCommerce styling built in.

Astra Pro addon with WooCommerce

The Pro version of Astra starting at $59 dollars, includes some great extras. There is a whole collection of powerful options that give you full control over the store design. One biggie is being able to display products and product-categories to make it easier for users to find what they are looking for.

Product categories allows you to add more organization to your items so that users can quickly navigate to the area that they want. If you offer several types of clothing and accessories, categorizing these will allow those who are looking for kids t-shirts to go straight to those options.

Using Astra Pro, you can customize so much more than the free version of Astra:

In Astra Pro there is a full panel of WooCommerce settings.

Astra Pricing

Astra theme is free but there is a pro version that can be added on for additional features. The Astra Pro addon is a no brainer if you are looking to build your online business. Have an agency or want to support clients, check out the Mini Agency or Agency bundle with incredible benefits for the price. Astra also offers the ever so coveted lifetime pricing.

Annual Pricing:

  • Astra Pro — $59.
  • Mini Agency Bundle — $276 (Special Price — $169).
  • Agency Bundle — $523 (Special Price — $249).

One-time Lifetime Pricing:

  • Astra Pro — $249.
  • Startup — $996 (Special Price — $499).
  • Agency — $1893 (Special Price — $699).

Paid customers get access to outstanding support, and training. It truly is a no-brainer between all the updated features, how well it works with all kinds of page builders, WooCommerce, and is super web-friendly with great built-in SEO, mobile-ready, and super-fast speeds.

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Get Your Brick and Mortar Online with Astra and WooCommerce