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The Terra Toys Origami event was so much fun.

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Terra Toys an Austin Favorite

The Terra Toys Origami event was so much fun. I have never been to Terra Toys and we had a blast! I highly recommended if you are in the Austin area and want to just play a bit in an awesome toy store (oh and they have a cafe with awesome coffee, ice cream, and sweets)!

This event was geared for Valentine’s Day so they were showing the kids how to make valentine hearts with origami. Then they had stickers stamps and all kinds of decorations for the kids to use to decorate. I love how the event lasted two hours so there was plenty of time to get everyone in that wanted to do the craft! We got there after #technobaby’s nap and didn’t have to wait long before they were helping us out.

Origami Hearts

Here are the instructions on how to make an origami heart and our finished product!

More Terra Toys Fun

Here are some moments from our adventure at Terra Toys.

Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Join the Super MOMpreneur BFF community and share your special activities and memories!

As Mompreneurs, we can for sure take hold of the holiday and give it a twist that is meaningful for you and your family. Whether you celebrate on February 14th, 15th or March 10th, make it special for you and your family.

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