Spring time is here! If the weather hasn’t changed in your area you know it will start to soon. My aunt just moved to the DC area and I am so excited to see photos of the Cherry Blossoms. There is even a festival starting this week which I think is so awesome. Add that to my bucket list of things to do!
Now that the winter months are over and we can look forward to warmer weather, we also look forward to getting new items for our spring wardrobe. It is always fun to give our wardrobe a little update or refresh right?!
This little refresh in my wardrobe has come with great excitement some years and with less excitement other years. Like many mamas and women, I suffer from weight that roller coasters up and down. I have been a size 6 and have been a size 22 and everything in between. It is hard in those times that you are larger to not only have motivation to get new clothes at times but also to find things that fit well and are stylish. Don’t get me started on the shame of going into the plus sizes in stores. Also don’t mention the issue of actually being able to go to a brick and mortar store to try things on and find something you like. With my two littles I am lucky if I can throw it in the cart and then try it on at home.
There are a couple places I go to for wardrobe updates and one of those is so awesome and completely new I want to share it with the world. I found by chance this amazing boutique online called Morgan and Kade! They have the most amazing jeans that are my new favorite pair. The Donna Jeans are simply amazing! They also have the best tops for the spring. Lots of colors and patterns that are right on par for this years trends. Get 20% off by signing up and checking it out! I love Jennifer’s story and her passion for creating a place where women of every size can find great pieces to wear.
The next place I love to shop is Amazon. What can be easier than clothes that appears on your doorstep in anything from the same day to two days. There is the normal Prime delivery and then there is an amazing thing called Prime Wardrobe.
With Prime Wardrobe, you get to pick out up to 8 items and you get to try them before you purchase. It is like bringing the dressing room home! You just pick the items and checkout as normal. The total will be $0 at that checkout. You receive the items in less than a week, you try and finally pick what you want to keep if anything. If there are any things you want to return you just package it back up with the prepaid label and send it back to Amazon. You are charged for what you kept and done. It is awesome and the best especially for shoes when you have no clue what style, size will fit best.