If you’ve ever raced out the door with your kiddos only to realize someone isn’t wearing their socks or shoes, you know mom-life is crazy hectic. Plus, mornings may be one of the most chaotic parts of your day. You all have places to go and things to do, but you can’t seem to get out the door in time.
Mom hacks to the rescue! Here are a few simple ways you can simplify your morning routine and leave the house with time to spare.
1. Challenge Your Kids
Motivate your kids by using a stopwatch and timing how long it takes them to get ready in the morning. Maybe offer them a special breakfast if they get together within a particular time. You can also write down their time each day and see if they can beat their record. If you have more than one child, you can make it a race between siblings.
2. Prep the Night Before
Another way to make mornings less chaotic is to prepare everything you need the night before. This routine might include laying your kids’ clothes out or packing all lunches. You could even prepare and set the coffee machine, so your java’s ready before your feet hit the floor. This way, you have less to do before leaving the house the next day, and you can focus on more important things, like eating breakfast and making sure the kids get out the door.
3. Pack a Toy Bag
If you feel like you’re always running out the door at the last minute, no matter how much you prepare in advance, it may be a good idea to pack a to-go bag and stash it by the front door. Keep everything from diapers to small toys in there so that, if you’re running late, you can grab the bag and go. No more searching the house for your child’s favorite race car or sippy cup.
4. Exercise the Wiggles Out
Do your little ones wake up with a bunch of energy? Get those wiggles out with a family exercise routine. Wake up a few minutes early, put on your favorite song and dance around the living room to start your day. You can also let your kids join you for a short yoga or cardio routine. These activities will allow you to get your blood pumping, have some fun and release that crazy kiddo morning energy.
5. Convert Your Garage
If you can’t seem to make it out the door in time for anything, you can still get out of your house for a bit. Plus, you don’t even have to go far! Convert your garage into a fun space, and you’ll find yourself wanting to spend time there. You could create a home gym, a craft room or an extra dining area. Here, you and your family can gather for fun activities outside your home. Open the garage door on warmer days for a breeze and lots of sunshine.
6. Choose Easy Breakfasts
Looking for another way to make your mornings easier? Choose to make simple breakfasts. Whether it be toast, scrambled eggs or a smoothie, make easy meals, and try to avoid a large spread each morning. Doing so will only eat up your precious time and attention. Instead, focus on keeping things straightforward — the fewer ingredients, the better. You might also decide to keep granola bars or Pop-tarts on hand for easy on-the-go breakfasts your kids will love.
7. Declutter
Clutter is a natural part of having kids, but that doesn’t mean you have to live in and tolerate a messy home. Get into the habit of taking a box of items to be donated every month — or even every week if need be! Keep this box in an easily accessible place so that you can add items to it whenever you wish. This method will keep messes to a minimum to ensure you have fewer things to clean up before leaving home.
Embracing the Crazy and Getting Out of the House
Even if you create a morning routine and use every hack in the book, you still might not make it out the door in time. That’s just part of having kids. You won’t always be prompt, and your kids might be missing a shoe from time to time. It’s just something you’ll have to understand and accept. Besides, being a mom wouldn’t be as fun or memorable without a little bit of crazy thrown in, right?
However, not every morning has to be — or should be — chaos. Planning ahead, creating a fun and doable morning routine and simplifying your to-do list can help your day run more smoothly. Plus, with some practice and a little bit of luck, you might find yourself leaving the house with time to spare.