As we continue to face the challenges of today, sometimes it’s helpful to fantasize about the future. What will the next year hold? The next decade? How about the next quarter century?
Especially for younger kids, it can be really exciting to think about all the opportunities the future holds. Whether grounded or reality or not, kids can let their imaginations run wild and wonder aloud “Will I be a doctor?” “Will there be aliens?” or even just “Will there still be a need to socially distance?”
As we do move into the future, however, it’s important to never forget the past. A great way for kids to document their current reality is by creating a time capsule. A time capsule is a container that you put present day items, such as newspaper clippings or school assignments, inside and hide away and plan to open at a later date.
Curating a time capsule is a great family activity, and you can make it indoors if the weather is cool or rainy. Keep reading to learn more about how to create the perfect time capsule with your family. In this post you’ll also find a printable worksheet to help!
How to Make a Time Capsule
First, you’ll want your kids to think about what items they want to include in their time capsule. To spark some ideas, kids can refer to the checklist below. They should choose items that hold some significance to them, for example a trophy they won, but that also, of course, they won’t miss too much! Remember you’ll be hiding the time capsule away for a designated amount of time.

Kids can also write a letter to their future selves to include in the time capsule. This is a great opportunity for them to record their current interests and aspirations. It’s possible that what excites and motivates them now will change a lot. Of course, it’s possible that they will also maintain many of their current interests! It can be a really heartwarming experience for older kids or adults to look back on their much younger years.
The template below gives kids the opportunity to discuss your family as well as their current academic interests, friends, and hopes and dreams. It also gives them a chance to practice their John Hancock!

Have your kids put their items and the letter into the time capsule. Then they can seal it up and set a date in the future for when they will open the capsule to reveal these amazing memories! It’s totally up to your family how long it makes sense to wait. It could be a year or even a decade or more into the future! Also, don’t forget to make a note of where you hide it!
Download the full printable activity from Coupon Chief below to help your kids craft the perfect time capsule.