Tips to Balance Work and House Chores

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As a mom with a full-time job, you may feel that you do not have enough time to do everything on your plate. It may feel like you are in an eternal struggle to strike a balance between your work and house chores.

Fortunately, incorporating small changes into your routine can help you divide your attention accordingly. Having an effective routine will help you get things done, improve your performance and mental health. Read on some of the most effective tips that can make balancing these two easier than you thought.

Wake Up Earlier

Waking up at least one hour earlier can help you plan your day accordingly, depending on what you need to do. It is also a quiet time before your children wake up, which gives you a sense of control. There is less chaos, and you can use this time to prepare for the day.

Consider packing lunches for your kids, making breakfast, iron clothes, prep for dinner, or any other morning routine your practice at your home. Also, you can use your morning hours to focus on your work. With fewer distractions in the morning, you have a higher chance of being productive.

Also, you can use the morning hours for your spirituality or mental growth. Do you love reading books, watching TV shows, or listening to podcasts as you take coffee? Then, waking up earlier can help you focus on yourself as you get ready for the day.

Early mornings are also perfect for yoga, morning runs, or going to the gym. Physical exercises are essential in kick starting your day.

Pre-cook and Plan Meals

As a mom, you need to take a break from your work to feed your family. However, this does not mean you need to be held up in the kitchen making breakfast, lunch, and dinner. To ease this task, it would be best to spare some time to create meal schedules with the help of your family and shop for everything required.

Consider pre-cooking food and keeping them frozen, where you can readily access them when you need them. However, some foods have to be taken fresh.

For such meals, try making foods that are easy to prepare. You can try these keto pancakes for your breakfast to save on time while promoting your family’s health.

Planning on the week’s meals will reduce stress during meal times. It will also ensure no food is wasted and ease the shopping process.

Schedule Time for Your House Chores.

Create a timetable where you group similar and codependent chores and indicate the time you should perform them. Based on your work schedule, you can divide these chores into four five-hour slots.

It will help you finish up your chores quickly and focus on your work. Please also delegate some tasks with your family to save on time.

Create Boundaries in Your Work-Time.

While your attention is needed by your family even as you work, it may result in high-stress levels, affecting your performance. For this reason, create boundaries and switch on and off accordingly.

When it is time to work, keep away any distractions that could interfere with your focus. The same applies when you are not working. Turn off work-based notifications and not open emails when it is your time. It would help if you respect these boundaries strictly to ensure you balance your work, house chores, and personal time.


Being a mom and working full time may be stressful at times. But it doesn’t have to be that hard. Feel free to apply what works best for you, based on your situation.  You will feel more relaxed and productive.