Troubleshoot For Your Customers – So They Don’t Have To

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Perhaps one of the most important measures of measuring a business with foresight is by testing how much they’ve considered their customer experience.

In This Post

It can sometimes seem that some firms (but not all) are actively engaged in making the customer experience as frustrating and annoying as possible. Of course, with the advent of the internet, this seems to be well-reduced. And yet many of us can still remember the haunting experience of experiencing support conversations that seemed to last for years, as well as doing our best to connect with a customer service agent who actually knew what we were speaking about.

For this reason, many businesses are investing thoroughly in their customer support – but that’s not the only place you can improve your customer experience. For this reason, it’s important to consider where you can get started, and what this means in the long run.

In this post, we’ll discuss three ways of troubleshooting issues for your customers, so they don’t have to waste time contacting you about problems that have a solution.

Encouraging Signposts

It can be very worthwhile to have a resource you can point to, and that serves as a worthwhile signpost to discourage confusion in the wake of a problem. For instance, custom 404 page can ensure your customer feels able to continue using your website, with appropriate hyperlinks, a quick apology, and the means to try again. That can prevent someone from finding a competitor’s website, as the amount of clicks it takes to resume a browsing session is shorter than it will take to visit another website.

It can also be that an FAQ (frequently asked questions) can help you dissuade some support calls ahead of time. This may help a good number of people feel comfortable using your service.


AI chatbots are now being widely implemented to ensure customers can be hooked up to the right support staff, led to the FAQ, or simply given a place to submit an email ticket. Integrating these into your website is often cheap, easy and serves as a non-intrusive resource your visitors can use. In effect, that’s a fantastic place to start.

The Good Old-Fashioned Guide

It can be reassuring to write a full guide about how your process goes, rather than asking people to figure it all out for themselves.

This might go double in the midst of Covid-19, where national lockdowns have prevented us from shopping as usual. If running drop off and collection points it’s important to say so, as well as discussing the protocol when a customer arrives, or how they can opt for immediate delivery with tracking information. That kind of reassurance will encourage people to use your services.

With this advice, we hope you can get the best out of directing your customers to the right place, especially by using technology to aid you. After all, this kind of treatment is only what we’d expect from services we use – why not provide them?