What Do You Need To Start A Small Photography Business?

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A small photography business is an excellent option as people pay for personal photographs all the time - or you can take loads whenever you want, then upload them to websites where people pay to use them.

In This Post

You’ve got time on your hands, so you’re thinking about starting a business. Ideally, you want to come up with a business idea that lets you be very flexible in how you work. You can make money when you want yet still have time to look after your family.

If this idea tantalizes you, here’s what you need to get started: 

Photography Equipment

Some of the equipment you’ll need includes: 

  • A professional camera
  • Tripod
  • Lenses
  • Lightboxes
  • Carry case

Truthfully, the list of equipment can be as long as you want it to be. It depends on what photos you’re taking! For now, keep in mind that you’ll need to pay for photography equipment

Photography Software

Could this be included in the equipment section? Possibly, but it’s not a physical thing you’ll use and carry with you. All photographers must have access to the best photography software. Photoshop is always a popular choice – but you can choose whatever you get along with the best. Software is used to edit and touch up photos, making them look even better. 

Sometimes, the best photographers are those who can edit better than others. Two people can take identical shots, but one will have better results because they’ve touched it up in post. 

Business Insurance

Think about all the expensive equipment you bought to start this career. What happens if it breaks or gets stolen while you’re on the job? It’ll be gone forever and lead to extra business expenses as you buy replacements. Avoid this with photography insurance, which covers all aspects of your job as a photographer. 

Pick a plan with the main coverage you need – if you travel to and from places to take photos, you may need insurance that covers driving. 

Photography Skills

In love with my camera
Photo by Aravind Kumar on Unsplash

You need photography skills to start a small photography business. Without wanting to diminish any photographers out there, this is one of the easiest skills to learn. You’ll find countless photography courses – both in-person and online – that teach you the critical skills to learn. Sometimes, you can gain these skills for free using YouTube videos or informative blogs. 

Learn these skills however you like – there’s no right or wrong way; do whatever works well for you. Build up your confidence and get better at editing photos as well as taking them. You’ll soon feel more than ready to start your business and promote your services. 

From here, you have to decide your business model. How are you going to make money? When starting, one of the best ways is by uploading your images to photo websites and charging a fee when people use them. Companies are always looking for stock photos to use in their content, so you get paid whenever someone uses yours! Then, branch out and consider selling your photography services. Maybe you’ll become a nature photographer and sell images to magazines. Or perhaps you’d prefer to be a wedding photographer. 

The choice is yours – but it all begins with the four things mentioned above!