I’ve been in tech so long that the idea of paper became a taboo thought and word. Everything is digital, searchable and backed up as needed in the cloud and available from my computer, iPad, phone, etc.

With Techie Mamma, I’ve been able to connect with other Mompreneurs all over the world. When your computer screen is running zoom for video chatting and screen sharing it can be difficult to also have a notes app open to keep track of the conversation. I decided I needed to have a notebook handy to capture some thoughts. This mammas brain can not keep it all straight!!
There are so many options in notebooks. Detailed guided ones to bullet journaling where it seems you have to have an art degree. I’m very intimidated by the idea of bullet journaling!! I was overwhelmed by the options! My niece asked for something called a Rocketbook for Christmas and I was intrigued. I’ve heard of smart notebooks before but many required a specific notebook and very specific pen. I love my pens so the idea of being stuck with one was discouraging. Plus all the Smart Notebooks were crazy expensive. In the $100 range. It was too much.
After a little research on the Rocketbook though it seemed promising. They had different styles and sizes of notebooks. I’m a huge fan of executive sized notebooks. They also use the common Pilot erasable pen. There are tons of options for types of pens and colors. I generally also like pilot pens so figured they would be good.

I love that there are different colors so it can go with your brand and personality. I personally, love red and sure enough, they have red in all the different styles.
Where to Purchase Rocketbook
The nice thing about Rocketbook is that you don’t need a specialty store or tech store to find it for sale. Amazon has a large selection and Target carries a lot of the popular sizes and colors too. Lastly, you can also go to the Rocketbook site and purchase straight from there.
Rocketbook Types
There are four main types of Rocketbook notebooks. They are really creative with how to best get you the notebook that you might really like.
- Rocketbook Core – This is the original and is just a notebook that you can wipe clean and also beam your notes up to the cloud.
- Rocketbook Fusion – This is a new notebook that has a nice mix of pages including calendars, to-do lists, and note-taking layouts. This is my favorite because of all the different layouts.
- Rocketbook Wave – This is another new notebook that features an easy way to wipe clean the whole notebook by microwaving the notebook.

I love the Fusion Rocketbook. It has a nice collection of pages from a to-do list to calendar and more.
Rocketbook Pens
One of the best things about Rocketbook notebooks is that they use regular Pilot pens. Well, not every Pilot pen but a type called Frixion pens. The Frixion pens though come in all colors, types, and even specialties like highlighters and markers. They are easy to find at Target, Amazon or anywhere you buy pens.