5 Ways to Use Trello to Organize Your Life

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5 Ways to Use Trello to Organize Your Life!! Trello is one of my favorite organization and task management apps. Check out how Trello can get you organized in no time at all.

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I am always having issues staying on top of everything. My blog, my business, the house, the kids’ activities it just all adds up and my tiny mommy brain can’t handle it! There are some tools that for me are priceless for my business and they come in handy for personal projects as well. Trello is one of my can’t live without apps. It allows me to stay on top of things even when I am not, it is easy to jump back in and know where I left off.

Atlassian is one of those companies that has a suite of tools that you know you can trust. They are behind bitbucket and Jira which are industry staples when it comes to development. While those are a bit more complex they also bought one of my favorite organization tools in 2017 and have since grown and improved it.

Drawn out board for content planning with stories, to do, in progress, testing, and done.

Kanban, which means billboards in Japanese is a system for scheduling for just in time manufacturing. The idea is things got into bins and then from one bin to another as needed. Toyota was one of the first to use this in their manufacturing. From that came the idea of Kanban boards used a lot in agile type projects. With Trello you can use it for your business or even personal projects as much as you want. Check out my girl, Hey Jessica and her Trello introduction.

5 Ways to Trello

1. Party Planning

Drawn out board with Idea, to Do, Doing, and Done great place to start planning

We have a birthday coming up and party planning has always been a little stressful for me. I am not a great party planner and there is so much to keep track of. Party planning with Trello though is easy!! Just set up a few lists of all the things you need to keep track of like menus, entertainment, etc. and get your cards in order and you can focus on doing instead of just keeping everything in your head. Here is my template for planning the three-year-old’s party. Get your Trello account and simply copy it to your account.

Trello Board

2. Course Planning

Trello is awesome in my opinion for Course Planning. You can list out your objectives, the lessons to complete those objectives (and activities) and your final goal. Having an instructional technology background, I know how important it is to know your objectives have them clearly defined and be able to test for mastery for a successful course. Your students will feel successful if they are able to master your objectives. If your students feel successful you will build rapport and referrals for your course. Teachable has a great article on how to use Trello for course planning as well. Here is a template I use for course planning you can easily copy it to your Trello account.

Trello Board

3. Content Planning

Trello boards resemble large whiteboards

Content planning can be hard and time-consuming. One cool thing about Trello is that they have a calendar view you can do with a Power-Up so you can view all your cards in a calendar. This way you can keep track of what you have scheduled, what is coming up and what you still need to write. All in one place. There are a few apps I love for content planning: Trello and AirTable are my favorites. See this template just copy it into your Trello account and get going.

Trello Board

4. Mobile / Desktop / Web Apps

If Trello was not cool enough by itself and what you can do with it on the web. You will be amazed to know that they have developed a full assortment of apps that you can use across your devices. Trello stays in sync and can even notify you so you get important updates when watching the waves roll in at the beach.

5. App Magic

Trello has this awesome thing called Power-Ups. They are additional functionality that takes everything to the next level. Do you use Dropbox? Use a Power-Up to quickly embed any of your documents into Trello! Do you use Slack? Get a Power-Up to send a message whenever something new has hit the boards or when something is due. With automation and Power-Ups, Trello allows all your apps to work seamlessly together.

I started playing with this and was able to have my WordPress forms for clients connect to Trello and then automatically notify me in Slack when there is a new request. It is pretty slick.

Try it Out!

Go try it out go sign up for your free Trello account and get everything organized!! If you need some more step by step to get started check out the step by step tutorial by Nine – Five Freedom.

Mom has a lot of things to do and has 8 arms with various tools to get things done.


Check out this amazing Trello template to get all your family chores organized in Trello! Special bonus template from Mama Shark!

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