Effective Signage Options for Business Advertising

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68% of customers perceive signage as an essential business tool. Moreover, signage and business advertising go together and should not be ignored if you want to attract your customer.

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This is especially true for small businesses, although it is a necessary advertising tool for all companies. However, it is best to know the available types to determine the best choice for your establishment. Hopefully, you may read up on these options if you’re interested in getting your business out there.

Outdoor business signs

A few examples of outdoor business signs are:

  • Pylon signs
  • Monument signage
  • Canopy-type signage

Outdoor signages are made from weather-resistant materials for durability and longevity. Therefore, you will find it valuable to opt for the effective tension fabric systems display, should you prefer the outdoor textile signage. These types are water-resistant, illuminated (or not, depending on the type), and offer high-impact properties.

Furthermore, outdoor business signs tend to be large, making them impossible to ignore. As a tip, you should know your state regulations on outdoor advertising. Being aware of the dos and don’ts can save you from fines and penalties. Always remember that ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

Wall signs

This is a cost-effective way to advertise your business to the public. They can be placed indoors or outdoors to serve their intended purpose. Contrary to the perception out there, wall signs are customizable, easy to set up and come in different shapes and sizes. Moreover, modern ones can be lighted to provide easy identification at night or in low-lit rooms.

Additionally, your wall type will determine the suitable signage. For example, if you opt for the plexiglass wall signage for your business, ensure that your background is solid enough to hold it up. The last thing you need is to hang plexiglass signage on a plaster wall and have it fall off when you least expected it. Apart from the additional cost that will come with repair works, the likelihood of causing harm to staff or customers nearby can damage your brand.

Sidewalk signage

This is usually the A-shaped, lightweight signage positioned on the outdoors of a business establishment. In some instances, they can be placed indoors, especially in a mall harboring different companies. This type is common with museums, stores, eateries, and property agencies. They are easy to handle, noticeable, and stand out pretty well in a crowd. 

Moreover, about 95% of sidewalk signage is positioned right at the company’s entrance. This makes it easy to identify the business in question without asking for direction. Perhaps, because they are moveable and lightweight, business owners feel more comfortable folding their sidewalk signage at the close of day until when business is operational again.

In conclusion, your type of business can sometimes determine what signage would be most appropriate. If it’s a small business, it’s understandable why you wouldn’t want to strain your budget. However, if it’s not, you will find more prominent signage serving your purpose better.