Make Your Business Add Up With These Math-Based Business Ideas For Mompreneurs

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If you have a love of numbers, you may have forgotten complex equations in place of number-heavy feeding schedules in recent years.

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As moms, we often end up setting our passions aside while we cater to the needs of our children. If you have a love of numbers, you may have forgotten complex equations in place of number-heavy feeding schedules in recent years. But what if we were to tell you that there are some fantastic ways to get back into a numerical career? Some great math-based careers are ideally suited to moms, and can generally work as either home businesses or part-time pursuits. In this article, we’ll consider just a few of the mompreneurial math careers you might want to consider.

1 – Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is a popular career amongst work-from-home moms, and it’s easy to see why. Most notably, you don’t need a degree to get started, though you could benefit from certain bookkeeping certifications, which are now easy enough to get online. Bookkeepers tend to work with either businesses or corporations to record and maintain financial data. In business, this might include managing and paying invoices or pay cheques. For personal clients, a bookkeeper will act more in mind of managing and budgeting finances. An average bookkeeper’s salary is around $44,151.

2 – Financial Planning

While a bookkeeper is concerned with the movement of existing money, a financial planner helps clients develop and work towards long-term financial goals. These goals most often include retirement and estate planning, management of investment portfolios, and expense analysis. Again, a financial planner can work from home or within an accounting firm and may have either personal or business clients. However, you will typically require a degree to break into this field, though it doesn’t need to be specific to financial planning itself. On average, financial planners earn around $95,930. 

3 – Financial Writing

As a financial writer, you’ll create content about the finance industry for web and print publications according to your skill. To do this, a financial writer must stay up-to-date with financial news, which may include information about changing stock markets. Financial writers may also report on happenings in investment firms, which might include high-profile portfolios, or rule changes like the new SEC marketing rule that many firms are getting to grips with via the help of services like GIPS consulting. A master’s degree in finance, economics, or journalism isn’t essential, but it can help to secure high-profile publications. Financial writers can expect to earn around $72,670 a year. 

4 – Math Tutor

Combine your parenting experience with your love of numbers as a math tutor. Tutors can work on a remote or in-person basis and may tutor individuals from primary age, right up to higher education and beyond. As a math tutor, you may need a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics or a related field, especially if you intend to teach higher-level mathematics. A teaching certification can also help to secure clients as a freelance tutor. Math tutors can expect to earn an average of $36,051 per year and should aim to charge clients roughly $17.33 an hour. 

Make your business add up when you pursue any of these lucrative math-based business ideas for mompreneurs.