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The super popular membership plugin, MemberPress, now supports courses. You no longer need to purchase a separate plugin for your courses.

In This Post

LearnDash vs. MemberPress Courses

Check out my transition from LearnDash to MemberPress Courses for my Life After Blog Setup course.  

3 Steps to New Course Creation

1. Add New Course

Add a new Course under the MemberPress menu and Courses. Create a title, description, and all the regular WordPress goodness.

2. Go to Curriculum

In the curriculum tab, add sections and then lessons to each of the sections. A difference between LearnDash and MemberPress Courses, MemberPress Courses requires sections and then lessons nested in the sections.

3. Build out Content in Your Lessons

Now for the fun part. In each lesson build out your content. You will recognize the familiar Gutenberg blocks to build out content in your course.

Happy Building

Bene Note: The Courses Add-On will be associated with a particular membership for payment. Check out how to create a membership with MemberPress.

Additional Resources