Tactics to improve e-commerce business performance

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E-commerce is one of the most crucial elements of online businesses. Especially today when the COVID-19 pandemic threatens our safety.

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More and more people are turning to online purchases, and it is your duty to improve e-commerce business performance. If you are a mom working from home, here are some of the most efficient strategies to do it.

Use e-mail marketing

Starting up your online store can be a tough job. Luckily, you have good old e-mail marketing at your disposal. With just a bit of practice and good e-mail automation software, you can boost your online sales.

E-mails are an excellent way to present new products. You can also create a newsletter and introduce special deals for your customers. This is a good way to keep everyone engaged and eagerly waiting for the next release.

Use social media to your advantage

A large number of people use Instagram and other social media platforms to run online stores. This is a very cheap option to start an online business, and it has impressive results.

If you own an e-commerce website, you can also integrate social media with your e-commerce store. A good piece of advice is to only focus on what you can handle. Managing accounts on multiple social media platforms is highly demanding. Do a little research and see what platform your clients use the most.

Improve the features of your shopping cart

If you use add-ons for e-commerce, your shopping cart should have all the essential features. However, you can customize it to your liking. If needed, it is best to invest in sales software. Hire a programmer and create shopping software with all the features you need:

  • Easy-to-use administration panel;
  • Product catalog;
  • Product reviews;
  • Various selection filters;
  • The ability to process all cards and systems like Payoneer or PayPal;
  • Invoice creation;
  • Discounts and promotional codes;
  • Shipping cost calculator;
  • Sales analytics and reporting;
  • Chat support for customers;

All of these features are important if you wish to leave a good impression on your customers.

An illustration of a website store

Focus on upselling

It is a common thing to focus on upselling in the online business. You need an option to display similar products underneath your shopping cart. If a customer is buying something, you want them to see other items that might be of interest before they make a purchase.

If you want to offer discounts, this is an excellent place to advertise them. This is an efficient strategy to make your business more effective.

Send abandoned cart notifications

When people shop online, they sometimes place items in the shopping cart, but for some reason, do not complete the purchase. They abandon the shopping cart. You don’t want to leave it to luck whether they will come back or not. You want to remind them about the completion of purchases, either by sending an e-mail or a notification. Sometimes they simply forget about it, and once they see a message that their shopping cart is still full, they will finalize the purchase.

Work on your conversion rate

When it comes to e-commerce sales, the conversion rate is a crucial factor. There are multiple strategies to increase e-commerce conversion. For example, you can offer free shipping. When showing products in your catalog, always use high-quality images or videos. Introduce coupons, discount codes, and special offers. Also, think about your prices. If needed, you must tweak them a little. Overpriced products will not sell well, especially if your competitors have more affordable prices.

If you wish to apply a professional approach, you can try conversion software. With the help of useful widgets, you can easily connect with your clients and increase your conversion rate. If you wish to learn more, Convert More has a vast database of helpful information.

Improve your checkout process

Another critical step is to improve your checkout process. Too complex checkout is one of the reasons for shopping cart abandonment. You want to make it quick and straightforward. The more time your clients spend between adding the product into the shopping cart and paying for it, the bigger the chances are they will change their minds.

A logo with an orange gift box and words saying “gift shop”.

Think about online safety

Unfortunately, there are many scammer websites trying to rob people of their hard-earned money. To make your clients trust you, you need to show that your e-commerce store is safe to use.

You can add two-factor identification. Also, choose a safe domain and purchase the SSL certificate. Another important step is to keep all of your software updated all the time. Hackers can use bugs in older versions of software to hack your website.

Customer safety should be your top priority.

Maintain transparent communication with your clients

One of the things to have in mind when running an e-commerce store is to always communicate with your clients. There will be cases when they are not satisfied with the purchase. Monitor their reviews and offer returns or refunds if a problem arises.

You need to be forthcoming and solve all of their issues. The worst thing you can do is disregard a bad review and move on to the next customer. This can create a snowball effect, and you will get a bad reputation.

Remove all the distractions from your website

Do not forget that the sole purpose of your e-commerce website is to sell products. The entire layout needs to be simple. You want your visitors to easily find products and read descriptions. Focus on improving the flow of information from the first moment they land on your page all the way to the checkout. Remove all the elements that might be a distraction from the purpose of the website.

Ask your clients for feedback

When a visitor makes a purchase, your communication with them does not end there. Send an automated e-mail after a few days and ask for feedback about the product. See if they are satisfied. You can also use this opportunity to upsell if possible.

A green and a blue tag showing various discounts

Improve e-commerce business performance with these efficient steps

If you follow these tips, you will efficiently improve e-commerce business performance and increase your profit. Remember that, even though everything revolves around sales, that should not be your entire focus. Treating your customers with respect will help you brand your business, no matter how small it is. With that said, good luck with expanding your e-commerce store!