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A new topic taking storm is family or baby tech. Keeping baby safe with wearables, making mom's life easier with tech.

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Much to see for the tech enthusiast at CES. A new topic taking storm is family or baby tech. Keeping baby safe with wearables, making mom’s life easier with tech. Not all tech is bad for babies!

Project Nursery

First up in the baby tech we saw Project Nursery who offered a wide selection of gadgets for the nursery. This had us really excited because among their products they had an amazing baby monitor that not only could you view through wifi on your phone but it also had portable screen with impeccable picture quality and lastly a small key fob or wrist accessory that gave you access to your baby all the time. I simply fell in love with this product and can not wait until it comes out on the market for baby #2! They also released at CES a number of nursery soothers. One with a projector and a night light allowing baby to see the moon as he drifts off to sleep all connected with bluetooth so mom can turn on tunes without disturbing baby. The others feature adorable animals with 6 pre-loaded sounds that soothe baby to sleep.

Baby Tech

In addition to all the great products from Project Nursery there were quite a few other booths with new gadgets for parents and baby. First came REMI a kid friendly alarm clock that visually tells kids when it is ok to wake up. This gadget one the CES 2017 Innovation Award. For babies REMI tracks what happens in the room at night, it is a baby monitor and plays lullabies. For toddlers REMI is a sleep trainer that helps youngsters create a healthy bedtime and morning routine. REMI can change colors based on the time and play various cues based on what needs to be done. REMI started shipping in October 2016. To order one for 30% off the retail price go to Indiegogo.

Also featured in the baby tech area was a bassinet that uses the techniques discussed in the Happiest Baby on the Block book. The bassinet soothes the baby by rocking him back to sleep, it also has the white noise shooshing sound to calm baby. If baby doesn’t calm after 5 minutes it will stop and allow the parents to take over. Will this revolutionize early baby sleep for exhausted parents?

In the same hot category of helping babies sleep better, Mimo, is a gadget that tracks all elements of baby sleep from respirations to REM cycles, etc. This project is backed by Johnson and Johnson who has an app that also helps parents set up a bedtime routine and track with a sleep log.

Lastly, a product I have talked about already on this blog in its new and improved version 2. The Hatch baby changing table. This changing table weighs baby and in its app it tracks bottle feeds, diaper changes and sleep time. The new version of Hatch is sleek and modern looking with no screen input. A much improved product.

Along with baby tech there were a couple of products that focused on moms, from fetal monitors to contraction trackers and revolutionized and smart pumps that track the best times to pump, how much you have pumped and the location of the milk to ensure that none goes to waste.

Family Tech

In family tech there were two items that caught my eye. One featured in slightly different ways by many companies was the game toothbrush. These toothbrushes made brushing into a game that guided the kids to brushing better and showed parents where kids needed to concentrate more on. Second was good ole’ rubber ducky. Everyones best friend in the tub. Well Edwin the duck is different, yes he is much fun in the tub, but he also is your companion throughout the day. He tells stories and sings songs and even plays games with you. It is an addition to the nursery that may also become your little ones good friend. #technobaby is getting an Edwin for the three kings feast so more to come about Edwin and what #technobaby thinks!

After a day and a half of seeing all the latest gadgets and tons of new things coming to the market, #woodbytedad and I decided we would try to leave CES in style.