Best US Cities for Working Moms

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Moms who have children and who at the same time want to devote themselves to them as well as to their careers will look to make their circumstances easier. Although facilitating, there also needs to be good circumstances.

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Fortunately, various US cities for working moms can provide precisely those mitigating circumstances. Devoting enough time to children and raising children is a challenging task. If you are a parent and want to balance the time and energy you put into raising children and all other things – you need good organization. That is why the country, city, and type of work the parents are engaged in should be harmonized. In any case, family life should by no means lag behind career life. 

About working moms in general

Even today, it is challenging for women to break through when it comes to work, especially if they have children. Despite improvements in the labor market, women still make less money than men. Equal pay for women is a frequently discussed but never fully resolved topic. Some countries are working to ensure that both genders get paid equally, while some are still lagging. There are also speculations about working hours. Increasing the availability and possibility of women’s employment in certain positions can affect the mother’s and her children’s lives. Also, closing the gap between genders can contribute to a better and easier life for mothers and children.

Moving to a state or city where there are good conditions for mothers who have children and want to work can be important for their future. There are also situations or cases where you are a job-enthusiastic mom. In that case, you may think about how to start an online business, especially if you move! Many factors influence the US cities for working moms. Some of them are as follows:

  • differences in wages concerning gender
  • dominant types of work
  • average salary
  • living costs 
  • child care costs 

Boston, Massachusetts

When it comes to raising children and pursuing a career at the same time, some states and cities prove to be better than others. According to sources, Massachusetts is the leading state suitable for working moms. Following this, Boston is among the best US cities for working moms. It boasts excellent possibilities for childcare and work-life balance. It is essential to mention that this city and the state of Massachusetts abound with various professional opportunities. As a mother, you will not be deprived of that. It is expected that, as a mother, you want to keep everything positive in any situation. You can also provide your child with a quality education in this city.

Also – Boston Children’s Museum, Martin’s Park & ​​Playground, Legoland Discovery Center, and many other places you can visit with your children in this city. You will enjoy quality time with your children, and you will be happy that you can provide it for them due to the conditions in this city. 

Jersey City

As a working mom, this city represents an ideal option for further professional development and raising children.  Things like the smaller gender gap, average salary, and daycare quality of this city make it one of the best US cities for working moms. Also, the possibility of me-time is possible. When deciding on a place to work and live in, factors like the educational opportunities for your children and accessibility to other family members are essential. It is challenging to balance all these aspects today, but you can try by moving to Jersey City.  

Considering that as a working mother, you have children to take care of and a family – you will need help when moving. In that case, it would be best to join forces with local experts so that everything runs smoothly. Hiring Jersey City movers will make moving day easier for you, with all the hassles that come with moving. Moving is a whole process, moving furniture and other items, and in that process, it is necessary to pay attention to the children and stay focused on work. But with appropriate professional help – these potential problems disappear.

One of the desirable US cities for working moms – Orlando, Florida

Orlando is a recognizable vacation city. In addition to the fact that people go there on vacation, this city offers various other possibilities. Business in this city is very developed and diverse. Why is this city among the best US cities for working moms? In this city, they are working on improving women in business. They encourage their development and progress. That reflects in the life of a mother who tries to devote time to her child while simultaneously keeping up with her work. In this city, there is a chance to reduce parental stress as a resident of this city who has a family. All these are thanks to the many activities you will be able to do and places to visit with your children.

Oakland, California, is an ideal choice

According to sources, the median wage for women in this city is about $56,991. The length of a woman’s working week is adequate and not excessive. Only these two listed items make it one of the best US cities for working moms, and there are more! Cities in California are currently trending toward fewer gender wage gaps, which significantly improves this city’s suitability for working moms. One of the rare cities where women make more money than men in Oakland.  One of Oakland’s advantages is that there are many family-friendly attractions, eateries, and outdoor areas. Places like The Oakland Zoo, Fentons Creamery, Children’s Fairyland, and many others will make your children have fun and see something interesting. That makes another side of the story of why this city is good for parents and working moms.

Arlington, Virginia – a good city for working moms

One of the virtues is that the pay gap is much narrower than in other US cities, which is essential. The average childcare costs are not high and demanding in this city.  Jobs in media & publishing, nonprofit administration, and education technology are some of the most in-demand ones in this city. That is one of the reasons why rebuilding and continuing your career after having kids is not impossible, which is a relief. Working moms will have the opportunity to prove themselves professionally in this city. In addition, they will be able to enjoy the magical content of this city with their children. 

The US capital is by no means out of options

If you are a mother and want to maintain a balance between the two most essential aspects – children and work, moving and living in Washington can be a good choice. One of the highest median incomes in the country is paid to female workers. Some companies do not work on Fridays, as well as companies that take maternity into account. Other benefits of living in the US capital certainly outweigh the good side. The city’s two fastest-growing businesses are professional services and tourism. Entrepreneurs, including working mothers, may find opportunities in these branches. You can open up in other branches, so don’t worry. 

Frequent job positions for working moms

It is a fact that some employers prefer to hire men over women for some reasons. It is necessary to include maternity in a woman’s working life, which not everyone does. Education and healthcare are among the most common positions held by working moms. These are the areas of the economy where working mothers are most prevalent. Then, a significant number of working mothers work in the insurance industry. Positions within catering and food services also represent a lot of employed moms. Other industries employ working moms. And you can undoubtedly find a position among the best US cities for working moms with enough information.

In conclusion to everything stated above

Being a parent, as well as being a working mom, is demanding and requires complete dedication on both fronts. That said, there are essential things to consider when choosing a city to live, work in, and have children. You can find this type of city among US cities for working moms. The one in which you will fulfill your ambitions and simultaneously dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to your children and family. Therefore, consider all the advantages and disadvantages, and find the city that will make you happy in both cases. Also, do not forget about your time, which you will devote to yourself. You need to recharge your batteries and start being a legendary working mom.