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I LOVE yogurt. When I found out that you can make your own yogurt in the Instant Pot I flipped out!

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I LOVE yogurt. Like I can eat it for all my meals every day and not even notice. I have been told while pregnant that I needed to slow down on yogurt and eat other things. I LOVE yogurt. When I found out that you can make your own yogurt in the Instant Pot I flipped out!

I soon researched all the recipes out there for Instant Pot Yogurt and tried I think just about every single one of them.

The process is LONG but it is not hard. I am a lazy, inexperienced cook and it didn’t take long to master this treat. The ingredient list is simple, milk, yogurt (as a starter), and I add whipping cream.

The long process starts by adding the gallon of milk and heating to the proper temperature. Once it is heated it needs to be cooled in an ice bath to another temperature. Finally, you add the starter yogurt and let it incubate in the Instant Pot for several hours. I have two modifications to the recipes I have found on the interwebs. First, at the point where you add milk, I also add about 8oz of heavy cream or whipping cream. Second, I let it incubate for a lot longer than most recipes tend to recommend. I believe the default is 8 hours. I incubate for about 12 hours before testing it out.

Lastly, if you want greek yogurt (I didn’t know this until I started making yogurt) all you do is filter out the extra whey from the yogurt.

I use a specific kitchen gadget/tool but I have heard others say you can do it with a coffee filter.

Yum, yum, yum!!!

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There are so many awesome Instant Pot gadgets and tools. These are my favorite accessories when working with the Instant Pot.

Accessories for Instant Pot Homemade Greek Yogurt

Food thermometer to make sure you have the right temperature for the milk.
Nut milk and Greek Yogurt strainer
Instant Pot Duo and the above versions have the yogurt function.