How to Have a Super Safe Swim Summer

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Every year I dread the first news of a drowning at a local pool. Water safety is so important to save a life. Knowing these tips for your kids and the other kids at the pool can indeed save lives! Stop the heart-wrenching deaths.

In This Post

This post is sponsored by Emler Swim School for Water Safety Month, all opinions are my own.

The heat index has hit 100 degrees in Austin, TX, whether we want to admit it or not in mid-May, summertime is here! So how do you beat the heat when it is burning outside?! You spend as much time in the water as possible!!! It is time to Splish and Splash!

The challenging thing about water is that it is also very dangerous and for parents, it can be very scary. There are so many heart-wrenching deaths a year caused by accidental drownings. Several years ago, when I was pregnant, we were visiting a friend and she got an unexpected call. A neighbor had called asking for emergency babysitting, one of their 7 had fallen into the pool and he was drowning. She rushed over as they rushed the little boy to the emergency room. He passed away at the hospital. These stories I am sure are all too common. I grew up on the swim team and loved the water but now as a parent, I am nervous about the strength water can have and how quickly something can happen.

Know the Facts

Drowning is the #1 cause of accidental death in the US for children under the age of 5. More specifically, 2 year old males between 4pm-6pm on Saturdays.

Jan Emler

Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide, accounting for 7% of all injury-related deaths.
There are an estimated 360 000 annual drowning deaths worldwide.
Global estimates may significantly underestimate the actual public health problem related to drowning.
Children, males and individuals with increased access to water are most at risk of drowning.

World Health Organization

So far this year, 17 Texas children have lost their lives to a fatal drowning. In 2018 there were at least 91 fatal child drownings, up from 80 in 2017. It is estimated that there are 5-6 times more non-fatal drownings than fatal drownings.

The Texas Department of Family & Protective Services

As a parent you may be saying, surely there is something that can be done. How can I prevent a horrible tragedy from happening to my family? These are the topwater safety tips that can save lives.

Water Safety Tips

  1. Enrolling in organized swim lessons can reduce this risk by 88%!
  2. Always install a 4-sided fence that will separate the pool area from the yard and house.
  3. Never let your child swim alone! Always have an adult present.
  4. Attentively watch your child while they swim, which means no phones or distractions!
  5. Designate a Water Watcher. More eyes do not = more safety. Everyone assumes someone else is watching. Designate a person and rotate every 15 minutes.
  6. Always wear a life jacket near the water!
  7. Ocean and Lake Swim Safety can be different with rip currents, know your surroundings.

Swimming Lessons

6 Month Old in Swimming Pool

I grew up swimming so I knew early on in my time as a mom that I wanted my kids to also be comfortable with the water and maybe even love it as much as I did. Emler Swim School has a wonderful thing called Bathtime Babies. They offer this as a free class, for babies 2 months to 6 months! The little guy and I jumped in (literally) for this opportunity! I also love how he can swim in just a swim diaper! This class is an absolutely amazing bonding experience with your baby! Although it acclimates baby to water, I think a huge benefit of this class is all the information that they have for moms and dads and grandmas and caretakers. Details about water safety and how babies have a reflex in their early months can be a leaping point to learning how to swim.

Young boy learning to swim

Emler has been such an amazing experience for our whole family. Both boys have been in lessons since Little Guy turned 2 months in mid-September. Big boy has quickly jumped up from the Waterbabies to Super Waterbabies and now Extreme Waterbabies. I love the confidence and excitement he has while carrying his Speedo Bag! This summer he is going to start Advanced Aquatots. His skills have improved so much it is amazing to see him jump into the water turn around and grab the wall.

This super amazing ability can save him if he were ever to fall into a pool. Both boys love the water and have never been scared. With baby boy, this is great because I can maximize his exposure and build up his skills. For big boy though it scared me last summer because he was fearless but didn’t know how to swim. These lessons have helped him still be very comfortable but also know how to kick and move around if needed. Although he is still learning how to gain some distance in the water, his swim fins and goggles have helped tremendously and his confidence is growing each lesson.

We love Emler so much that for big boys 3-year-old party we had a pool party hosted by Emler. It was the best party by far that we have had for him! It was so much fun and perfect for his little preschool classmates. With two lifeguards on desk and safety precautions for having adults in the pool too, I felt super comfortable that everyone would have a great time.

I can’t wait to see how both boys do with swimming over the summer. Interested in swimming lessons for the Summer? Emler’s summer semester starts June 9th.

Water Gear

One of the number one tips for safety is to have a life vest or other gear that can help littles play safely in the water. My boys absolutely love these products and although Emler has them for use during lessons I am getting extras so that when we go to our neighborhood pool they can practice with the same gear. I also love the i play. swim diapers and swim diaper shorts that make it easy to have my littles look stylish but still make the water safe for them and others.

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Does your family love the water too? Where is your favorite place to swim and play?

Sharing Is Awesome

Mention you heard about Emler Swim School from Techie Mamma blog and receive a swim diaper or swim goggles for free when you sign up for any of their classes. All classes are eligible including the FREE Bathtime Babies class! #iswimemler