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Being a Mompreneur is one of the hardest things a modern woman can do; juggling both a business and childcare means all of your time is taken up, and there’s a good chance there’s only a handful of minutes left for yourself at the end of the day! And that’s something we should focus more on – saving some time here and there could be a real Godsend. 

Because it would be nice to be able to do something else, wouldn’t it? And sure, you made the choice to run both sides of your life like this, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer as you do it! So, without further ado, here are a few tips on cutting out blocks of time throughout your busy, busy day. 

Set Your Alarm a Little Earlier

Even just an extra 20 minutes before you’re usually supposed to wake up could save you a lot of time later on. You have the chance to get your work for the day prepared, or even to get the breakfast on earlier, or maybe just to have a bit of time to yourself for once! 

Streamline Your Website

The next thing to do is learn to streamline your website, to ensure you’re not spending as much time running admin on it. Sure, maybe you’re a bit of a control freak and like being there between the hours of 9 and 6, but sometimes you just can’t afford to keep this up!

So, you need a proper customer service desk, as well as dedicated contact details, and maybe you should even learn more about payment progessing options for your business. If customers have more ways to pay, for example, you won’t have to answer so many query emails about whether options like ‘Paypal’ can be accepted! 

Plan All Meals

You’ll also want to start meal planning, to make sure you’ve got healthy food available at all times that just need reheating in the oven or the microwave. This’ll help you to keep the kids fed at the right times when you’re on a conference call or have business matters to attend to that won’t let you spend half an hour at the stove preparing something else. Meal plan every single Sunday to help get a jump start on the week ahead. 

Instant Pot Cooking Accessories

Keep Things Ready to Go

Always keep items that go together in the same place. For example, envelopes and letters, or a laptop and charger. If the kids have a swimming or athletics club, make sure their kit bag is packed and ready to go at all times. Make sure lunch boxes are similarly packed ahead of time, and overall, just try to get a bit of a head start, to cut out fuss and headaches later on. 

If you’re a busy mompreneur, make sure you’re doing yourself a favor and cutting corners wherever you can. It’ll save so much time later on, which you can dedicate to other areas of your life.