
Known as THE Techie Mamma, I am a boy(x2) mom, and love technology. As a former Educational Technology academic turned Mompreneur, and super passionate educator, I am on a mission to empower Mompreneurs to build, and grow their business to live the Mompreneur Life they want.

Whilst walking around Central Park, we stumbled upon this little lettering that says, ‘Fulfill your destiny.’ It was one of the best days.

10 Tips On How To Get Funding For Your Business

There are a lot of ways to get funding for your business. You can go the traditional route and seek out loans from banks or other financial institutions. Alternatively, you could look for investors who are willing to put money into your business in exchange for a stake in the company. Or you could bootstrap your business, using your own savings and resources to get it off the ground.

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Best Side Hustles for Moms

Do you want to find a way to make some extra money while staying home with your kids? If so, then you should consider starting a side hustle. A side hustle is a great way to earn some extra cash, and many options are available for moms. This blog post will discuss some of the best side hustles for moms. We will also provide tips on how to get started. So whether you are looking for a new career or want to make a little extra money, these side hustles are sure to appeal to you!

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