
Known as THE Techie Mamma, I am a boy(x2) mom, and love technology. As a former Educational Technology academic turned Mompreneur, and super passionate educator, I am on a mission to empower Mompreneurs to build, and grow their business to live the Mompreneur Life they want.

Family making breakfast in the kitchen

A Year of Instant Pot – It Can Change Your Life Too!

I can’t believe I have had the Instant Pot for a full year and my oh my has it changed my outlook of the kitchen!! Pre-marriage and pre-instant pot I was lucky to step foot in the kitchen to warm something up in the microwave. Takeout and restaurants were my friends, but as many of you as mamas know you just can’t sustain a budget with a small family on takeout or eating out all the time.

A Year of Instant Pot – It Can Change Your Life Too! Read More »

Blog Hiatus

hi·a·tus /hīˈādəs/ noun noun: hiatus; plural noun: hiatuses a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. “there was a brief hiatus in the war with France” synonyms: pause, break,

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